Dr. Abdul Raoof Mir
Program Director Global Leaders’ Alliance
Department of Media & Journalism
Dr. Raoof Mir joined Alliance University in 2021 as an Assistant Professor of Media and Journalism. Before joining Alliance University, Raoof taught at University of Delhi and Jain University. He has taught courses related to Media and Cultural Studies, International Communication, Media Policy and Regulation, Sociological Theories, and Business Communication.
He received his Ph.D. from Centre for Media Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. In 2016, Raoof was awarded with INLAKS Research Travel Grant for his visit to Center for Media, Religion, and Culture, University of Colorado, Boulder, US. He was granted DAAD fellowship to visit Centre for Modern Indian Studies, University of Gottingen, Germany, in 2017.
His work specializes in exploring the intersection between media technologies and the socio-cultural and religious patterns. His doctoral research theme focussed on how media and religion interact in the spaces of social, cultural, and political practices.
Drawing from a variety of perspectives in philosophy, history, anthropology, media studies and religious studies, his research mostly seeks to analyse themes linked to globalized identity formations, digitized media & religious environments, and popular culture. Through critical analysis of historical texts, dialogue and community intervention, his work aims to foster peace and social harmony.
His work has appeared in a few scholarly books and notable research journals such as Society and Culture in South Asia (Sage), Media, Religion and Digital Cultures (Brill). His articles have been featured in Nikkei Asian Review, Kafila, twocircles.net, Thirds Spaces. He has supervised several masters’ and bachelor’s dissertations / research reports.
Some of the significant publications are as follows:
- Mir, (2018): Communicating Islam in Kashmir: Intersection of Religion and Media. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2393861718787871, Society and Culture in South Asia, Sage. Vol. 5, pp.1-23.
- Mir, (2018): Zakir Naik and his Audiences: A Case Study of Srinagar, Kashmir. http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/10.1163/21659214-00702004 Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture, BRILL. Vol. 7, Issue 2, pp. 203-222.
- Roy, Sohom & Mir, Raoof. (2020). The Afghan refugees of Lajpat Nagar: The boundaries between them and Delhi. Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture. 11. 201-216. 10.1386/cjmc_00025_1.
Book Chapters:
- Mir, Raoof (2012). Making Muslim Democracies – A Case Study of South Asia, Living in Peace: Insights from World Religions, Green, S. Ronald & Mun, Chanju. Blue Pine, Honolulu, Hawaii, US. pp. 131-141.
- Mir, (2011), Political Historiography of Islam in South Asia. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing (19 July 2011). ISBN-10: 9783845417455
- Lalita, Mir, Raoof et al (2013) Tight-ropes and Bootstraps: Enabling Violence-Affected Young Adults Deal with Trauma IDRC Grant No.: 105256
- Internship with Regional News Unit, Doordardshan, Srinagar, for a month-2008.
- Hyderabad Muslim Youth - International Conference, Centre for Social Exclusion & Inclusive Policy, University of Hyderabad, 23rd to 25th March, 2011
- A paper on Media, Religion and Culture in Kashmir at Centre for Media, Religion and Culture, University of Colorado (a public lecture) 7th April, 2016.
- Delivered a Guest Lecture titled Intersections of Media with Religion in Kashmir at Centre for Religious Studies, Ruhr University, Bochum Germany (19th, June 2017).
- Attended Winter School at Indian Institute of Advanced Study (IIAS), Shimla on Life and Thought of MK Gandhi,1-15, December, 2016.
- INLAKS Fellowship 2015-Visiting Scholar, Centre for Media, Religion and Culture, University of Colorado, 2016
- DAAD Fellowship 2017-Visiting Scholar, Centre for Modern Indian Studies, University of Gottingen, 2017
- Identified as Scholar on Spotlight by Network for New Media, Religion and Digital Culture Studies, Texas A&M University, 2019.
- Indian Council of Social Science Research Doctoral Fellowship Award (2015)
Sample Articles in Media
Nikkei Asian Review
- India's media must promote science, not superstition, in COVID-19 fight- https://asia.nikkei.com/Opinion/India-s-media-must-promote-science-not-superstition-in- COVID-19-fight (2020)
Nikkei Asian Review
- India, driven by Hindu nationalism, has no right to repress Kashmir https://asia.nikkei.com/Opinion/India-driven-by-Hindu-nationalism-has-no-right-to- repress-Kashmir (2019)
- The MIM Narrative: For or against Muslims http://twocircles.net/2014nov16/1416109376.html#.Vtn3Ln0rLIU
- Cricket and Communal Identities in South Asia: Raoof Mir- https://kafila.online/2014/03/18/cricket-and-communal-identities-in-south-asia-raoof-mir/ (2014)